The Complete Guide to Back Handspring Success: From Mindset to Movement

Mastering Your Back Handspring: A Holistic Approach

Getting your back handspring can be very challenging—especially if your leg and shoulder strength isn’t fully developed yet. While we caution against attempting skills outside of the gym without proper supervision (to avoid injury), you can definitely work on strength and conditioning with safe bodyweight exercises. Below is a holistic guide broken into five key pillars: Mental, Intellectual, Ownership, Results, and Celebrate.

1. Mental: The Foundation of Success

Although it might seem like “soft” work, your mental approach is the most critical part of the process.

  • Define Your Goal: Write down your objective and set a realistic deadline. For example: “I will perform my back handspring by April 1st, 2025.”
  • Visualize Success: Close your eyes and picture yourself executing the back handspring perfectly. Spend about 10 minutes before beginning your workout affirming your ability with statements like, “I have my back handspring” and “I can do a back handspring.”
  • Focus on Quality: Concentrate on the proper movement patterns and the specific actions required to achieve the skill.

2. Intellectual: Understanding the Movement

Knowledge is key when it comes to perfecting any skill.

  • Study the Technique: Watch the instructional videos we’ve provided. Notice the nuances that differentiate a quality back handspring from an improper execution.
  • Break Down the Movement: Learn the standard technique for each phase of the back handspring. Understanding the movement in detail will help you practice with purpose.

3. Ownership: Take Responsibility for Your Progress

Improvement starts with you.

  • Accountability: Accept that your progress is in your hands. There are no excuses—only opportunities to learn and get better.
  • Consistent Practice: Commit to understanding the movement’s standards and push yourself to practice regularly. Whether you’re tired or distracted, find a way to stick to your training plan.

4. Results: Embrace Incremental Progress

Your workout outcomes are valuable feedback on your journey.

  • Measure Improvement: Instead of focusing on your starting point, aim to make small, consistent gains. For instance, if you perform 100 reps on your first day, aim for 101 reps the next time.
  • Reflect on Feedback: Use the numbers and your own observations to adjust your practice. Progress might be slow, but gradual improvement is the true mark of success.

5. Celebrate: Acknowledge Your Efforts

While you might not control every outcome, you control your effort—and that deserves celebration.

  • Reward Yourself: Every step forward, no matter how small, is worth recognizing.
  • Stay Positive: Celebrating your hard work helps reinforce a positive mindset, which is essential for overcoming challenges and maintaining long-term commitment.

With the mindset, technique, and accountability pillars set in motion, it’s time to translate that foundation into action. The following workouts are designed to build the specific strength and stability you need—targeting your legs, shoulders, and core—to help you achieve a flawless back handspring. These exercises, which can be safely performed outside the gym, will serve as your stepping stones toward mastering the movement while ensuring you maintain proper form and minimize injury risks.

01 WOD – Workout of the day.

Movement Standards  – click on the like to watch the YouTube Video on how to preform the movements correctly.
Air Squat –
Burpee –
V-Up –

Do As Many Reps As Possible in 12 Minutes – Use a timer on your phone. 
1 Air Squats
1 Burpees
1 V-Up
–  Add one rep each round
So Round 2 would be
2 Air Squats
2 Burpees
2 V-Up
Round 3
3 Air Squats
3 Burpees
3 V-Up
– Keep working until time expires – You result is total number of reps completed
– Post a Reel in Instagram and Tag SoCal TTC in your workout.

02 WOD – Workout of the day

Do 4 rounds of this:

30 second Handstand hold against the wall or Handstand Variation HOLD on Box –
15 Jumping Air Squat –
30 Hollow Rock – The rep is counted each time the toes rise.

– Post a Reel in Instagram and Tag SoCal TTC in your workout.

03 WOD – Workout of the day

4 Rounds for time:

25 Box Step up –
25 Hand Release Push ups or Push-up on knees –

– Post a Reel in Instagram and Tag SoCal TTC in your workout.


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